The process of removing the tooth from the socket in the bone part of the tooth with local anesthesia is called tooth extraction. Tooth extractions are performed for conditions such as tooth decay, trauma, and the tooth not fully fitting in the jaw. Operations that require surgical intervention, such as wisdom teeth, impacted teeth, teeth that have not erupted due to lack of space in the mouth, are also included in the scope of tooth extraction after being evaluated within the scope of orthodontic support.

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How is tooth extraction done?

Although it is generally carried out under local anesthesia, general anesthesia may be preferred for some patients. The process, which is completed in an average of 10-15 minutes, is completed by cutting the bone tissue, holding the tooth with a tool called forceps, and removing it by doing it back and forth.

Is tooth extraction a painful procedure?

With the anesthesia applied before tooth extraction, patients do not feel any pain. Duration is also very short. With today’s developing technology, the operation is not a frightening operation at all.

In which cases is tooth extraction carried out?
